Winter is coming.....
Now that Christmas is just around the corner and the days are getting shorter, it's time to 'winterize' your hair.
There are a few ways to go about doing this.
Firstly, get a deep treatment. In the winter our hair gets drier so it's important to keep moisture in your hair. Put a deep treatment on once a week, it wont take long, and your hair will appreciate the moisture.
Secondly, get your winter colour!!
Everything around us gets a bit darker in winter so it's nice to do the same with your colour. There's no need to go too dark, its just about adding a winter tone to what you have is all you need.
Thirdly, get a cut that works with big jumpers, scarves and warm jackets. Don't let your hair become a burden when your bundling up!
Get in touch with me to see how we can 'winterize' your hair!
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